INDEPENDENCE SQUARE                                                                                                                      
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The other day was a beautiful clear blue sky day, and as I had yet to take any pictures of the Maidan (Independence Square,
THE site of the
Orange Revolution), Laura let me go down for an hour or so to take some pictures, on the condition that I
visit the souvenir street and buy her a key chain on the way home.  At any rate, I posted a few pictures on my photo-a-day for
the day, but there were more pictures that I liked, and since it was the second anniversary of the Orange Revolution this
week, I decided to make a page.  They're not the ultimate pictures of the world, but I like them!
Detail of the top of the pillar on the right
The whole square, where hundreds of thousands of people thronged two years ago.
St. Michael's in the golden hour.
A tile mosaic in the Khreshatik metro stop.
Hanging out in the square.
The main tower of St. Sophia's at sunset.
The main tower of St. Michael's in the sunset.
St. Andrew's through the trees.
Some building on the way home.  I should know what it is, but I didn't want to cross the st. to find out.  Probably a government building as it has the trident on the top.
The lady on top.  I should know her name, but I don't.
Monument to the founders of Kyiv.
Overexposed, but it looks like she's descending out of heaven like this...
On the top of the globus mall overlooking the square.
The bottom of the pedestal.
The Ukrainian trident.
The top of one of the buildings. Prime advertising space as the square is a very popular destination.